Shredder - Kayak trips

Don and I just finished up our first shredder-kayak class IV trip. There were four kayakers and two on the shredder as well as Don and I and it worked out quite well. Normally one of us guides the shredder but since Gibson and Lee were quite experienced they ran the shredder and the rest of us were in kayaks. Except for a surfing attempt on the Jondachi they stayed upright and in the boat. Peter stayed on for a second week and finished up running twelve different sections in the two weeks he was here, it was great to have him back.
This week Marty and I tagged along on the shredder with Don and Craig who was here for two days of kayaking before going to the Galapagos. I'm not ready to give up kayaking but shredding is a really fun option for a day out of the kayak.
You may be wondering where all the other photos have gone. Well they are somewhere on the bottom of the Rio Mulate. Somehow I found myself drifting out of an eddy juggling my camera. I did manage to keep it in the air for awhile before it bounced just out of reach and into the river. Don't worry though, I just got a replacement delivered by St. Nick and photos will be back soon. Stay tuned.