Ecuador's Classic Jondachi River Needs Your Help!

The state-owned thermal-power generating company, Termopichincha, has announced plans to develop a hydroelectric project on the Upper Jondachi River, and would mostly de-water the section of river from La Merced de Jondachi to the take-out bridge at Km-18 on the road from Tena to Baeza (This is the ultra-classic section that we all love to paddle).
This would have a devastating impact to one of the best whitewater creek runs in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian Rivers Institute (ERI) is leading a local opposition from paddlers, business owners, and local communities to keep the upper section of the river free-flowing. This legal opposition will prevent Termopichincha from obtaining a water concession for the project. Financial support is needed to cover legal expenses and logistics.

How can you help?
2 ways:
#1 make a donation to ERI. They are operating on a very limited budget and hiring laywers and such is expensive in Ecuador too. Visit ERI's site to make your donation
#2 Matt, the founder of ERI has written up an opposition to the project which must be submitted to the government by May 23rd, 2008. Visit
The last page has a place for signatures of people opposing the project. You can then fax the form into ERI at 1-888-353-9849. I know it's short notice, but if you can get the form into Matt by May 22nd, he will have time to submit it to the government.

If you can speak Spanish and you want more information, you can read more about the project here
Otherwise you can contact Matt Terry at
Act now! Don't let the Jondachi be taken away from us!
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