Reason #6 we love Ecuador--AND, Nov. 21st-Dec. 5th trips
quREASON #6 we love Ecuador: We are famous here!
While we are just some regular scum-bag kayakers in the US, in Ecuador, we are muy famoso (we'll at least in the Quijos Valley that is). We were cruising around the town of El Chaco when this Quijos bus pulled up in front of us, and low and behold, there was a huge poster of us rafting with Memo, Lili and Eduardo during the 2003 Chaco Rafting Race. Even though it was Memo, Lili and Eduardo's first time rafting, we came in 1st place baby!
Ok, though, onto our last 2 weeks of trips. Over Thanksgiving, we had 2 dudes from the UK, and 2 ladies from the D.C. area. Despite their cultural differences:), everyone gelled well together and we had a great week! Above Jeannine is leading the way through the rapid in front of our lodge while her trip-mates look on. Crazy Jeannine--7 days of paddling in a row wasn't enough for her, so she paddled 2 more days on the Potomac when she got home beforing going back to work! Way to get after it Jeannine.

Besides the Quijos River, we also paddled the Upper Misahualli, Lower Jondachi, and Jatunyacu Rivers during their trip. Even though everyone in the group can paddle year round at home, Ecuador was an excellent respite from the cold air and cold rivers at home! I mean, come on, who doesn't want to paddle in the tropics when it's 35 degrees at home?

He got his first lesson 2 weeks ago, and he's psyched:)
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