Going to Ecuador! 4 days and counting!
Well, we are trying desperately to wrap up our summer tour of "boatin' n promotin'" so that we can leave it all behind us and head to Ecuador! But...our winner of the Small World Adventures kayaking trip is leaving us hanging! Julie W. of Chico, CA won the trip, but we haven't heard back from her yet, therefore she hasn't claimed her prize, therefore she is leaving us in a sort of limbo.
So, if any of you out there know Julie, tell her to get off her bum and email me back to claim her prize! Or, if she doesn't want 7 days of tropical paddling with all food, lodging, shuttles, guiding, and kayak rental paid, that's ok too, but I need to know so I can give it to someone else.
Julie, if you are out there, you have until Nov. 2nd to claim your prize, after that, I'm afraid we'll have to give it to someone else--for everyone else out there, I guess there is still hope for you...
Our last stop on this boatin tour was the South Feather releases in California. I'm still "on the bench" and not allowed to paddle, but I got a few nice shots of Don while he was out representing SWA.
(Don above "Mad Dog" on S. Feather)
And now, finally, it's time for us to turn our attentions to Ecuador. I am particularly excited to get back this year because my return to the Quijos Valley will mean I get to go paddling again for the first time in months!
(Don, random rapid, S. Feather)
We leave in 4 days and I am super excited to get back. Larry is already there and is paddling today--lucky bastard! He's says things are great both in Quito and out at our lodge. The gardens all look incredible, the rivers have good water, and he's psyched to be back in the company of his Ecuadorian community. So, I sit here packing, doing last minute work, and anxiously awaiting getting home to Ecuador.
getting home to good paddling...
good adventures...
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