February 12th Torrents
(Don grinning ear to ear over the 2011 Super Hero)
February's Torrents trip brought together a great group from California, Wisconsin and Alaska. Eclectic mix? Yes! But that's why they were so much fun. Craig came down to Ecuador for his paddling comeback tour and kicked some serious ass. So now he's ready for California's epic spring run off. Ryan and Rebecca were SWA first-timers and it was awesome to show them around Ecuador's best rivers.

(Ryan lining up his boof on the Upper Misahualli)
We got super lucky and caught the Upper Misahualli at an ideal level. We were able to run from the Lodo put in all the way down to Archidona. We boofed so much we hardly had energy for the beers and monkeys at the take-out! (but don't worry, we managed to rally).
(Craig enjoying a beautiful sunny day on the Rio Oyacachi)
The rain gods smiled on us this week and allowed us to run a near-perfect itinerary with this crew. We got sweet levels on the Oyacachi, Misahualli, Upper Jondachi and Piatua Rivers. Certainly can't complain about that!
(Wes, Rebecca, Craig and Don enjoying a beer on top of a dug out canoe. The only thing that could make this bar cooler is if it were actually floating in the river!)
(Rebecca staying focused on the Upper Jondachi)
Rebecca stayed on for a 2nd week with us and rocked our Mucha Agua trip as well.

(Don in Toro Loco on the Piatua)
(Ryan was super stoked about his elbow pads--mainly because they are so stylish)
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