Jon demonstrating some advanced boofing techniques. |
Our 2012/2013 season started with a bang as we ran three trips simultaneously. I guess we needed to find a way to put all these guides to work and boy did we! Our staging area was awash with boats, gear, guides and guests with transport and drivers heading to all points of the compass. All the trips came off like clockwork and we are off to a great start.
Karl and the Dog Cow before the election results came in. |
Karl and Dave were on a private trip and tackled a wide range of rivers ranging from the Oyacachi to the Piatua and most everything in between. As is generally the rule these days Dave ranged forward with his signature hand paddles and singular style. This guy is more accomplished with those little dinner plates then many people are with a full size blade. It might be tough to build speed for the boof but there is always room for a little finesse.
Karl leaning into it. |
Karl spent a bit more time inspecting the bottom of the river but balanced it all out by displaying a huge amount of chutzpah, that guy can hang in there and keep it all together like no other. When necessary, this man can take a licking and keep on ticking, he always has a huge smile and a big laugh to carry the day.
Dave smoothing down the river. |
Couple these two with Don and Greg as guides and you have a dream team ready to tackle just about everything there is to offer down here.
Jon lining up the launch. |
Jon and Kevin joined forces to do an Advanced Creeking Clinic with Darcy leading the lines and Guy on the sweep. These two fine boaters did a great progression through the week with any cobwebs quickly falling away and rising to greater challenges each day and excelling at them. Jon brings a great Eastern boater style to the scene as he swoops and hops from eddy to eddy while Kevin displays a classic strong hard charger approach as he maneuvers and plays the water in a direct assault. Both of these gents had great runs on all of the rivers from the Cosanga and Oyacachi to the Upper Jondachi. As each challenge arose these guys rose to meet it. Teamwork and camaraderie abound as we worked our way down these creeks.
Kevin showing his stuff when the chips are down.
Molly and Brooke did a Class III+ trip with Larry and Tarquino as guides. They were joined by Kim for a couple of days making for one incredibly awesome group of paddlers. These ladies were fun on and off the river and we found ourselves hard put to keep up with them. Always quick with a smile and a laugh, seemingly never needing any sleep or rest they were the energizer bunnies of Ecuador. Our dog cow had an instant affinity with this group and put up with more than one indignity to hang with them. We hope to see this group of ladies again soon.
Brooke and Greg seriously outgunned. |
It was a great first week and we couldn't have been more pleased with the group and the rivers. Looking forward to many weeks to come!
Post election celebration with Dave and Molly. Karl is sulking. |
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