The Second Annual World Kayak "Am I Ready for the Gauley Yet?"
Paddle the Gauley AND win a 1/2 price kayaking trip in Ecuador all in the same day. It just doesn't get any better than that! See details and enticing photos below.

Colin Kemp from Jackson Kayaks sent me this press release for the World Kayak paddle the Gauley event:
"Have you ever been down the Gauley? If not this is the event for you. World Kayak has teamed up with some of the worlds best guides to provide you with an exceptional personal first descent of the amazing Gauley River. You must have never been on the section of the Gauley that you are applying for. Send your kayaking resume to and we will help you determine if you are ready to boat the Gauley. Once we have your application we will give you a shout to discuss your boating, and then we will draw names out of a hat to set the groups. Groups will consist of 4 first timers and 2 guides. Your application must be received by 9/12/08. This year we have a great list of guides that is still growing. Clay Wright and Ruth Gordon will be on hand for JK, Chris Gratgrams and Roger Loughney will represent for IR, and Spencer Cooke and Steve Fisher will be there for Riot. Small World Adventures has sweetened the pot for us this year as well. They have provided a half price trip to Ecuador. You can choose from one of the 4 trips that they have in the month of November. I can tell you from first hand experience that Small World has Ecuador dialed! Their knowledge of the rivers of Ecuador is unreal, and their accommodations are to die for. Check them out at We will draw the winner of the half priced trip at Gauley Festival, and all applicants are in that drawing, so even if you don’t get one of the coveted Gauley spots you can still get an exceptional river experience. You must be present to win the trip. The “Am I Ready for the Gauley?” event will take place 9/20/08, Gauley Festival Saturday"

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