Small World Adventures--Winter Whitewater--Class III Trip Part 2
Thanks to Ben and Erica for getting me some more photos, so I could create a part 2 to their blog
Before putting in on the Jatunyacu River, we took a little side excursion up to an amazing Granite bedrock area of the river (much different from the geology just half a mile downstream where the river is wide-open and full of gravel bars). The Jatunyacu, often called the "Upper Napo," is the last free flowing, major tributary of the Amazon in Ecuador. It drains from the Volcano Cotopaxi, and above the popular kayaking and rafting sections is extremely wild. Erica is enjoying a smooth place to sit and soak in the scenery.
Jarret also enjoying a little scenery between rapids. Behind Jarret LLANGANATES NATIONAL PARK, which is rumored to be "home to one of the most exotic and inaccessible regions in Ecuador." Throughout history, explorers have been attracted to this area in search of the elusive gold of Atahualpa, which according to the legend is hidden in the Llanganates. I am continually amazed that in as small a country as Ecuador is (about the size of Colorado), with as many people as it has (13 million), there is still so much land that is essentially inaccessible to all but the most tenacious bush wacker!
Len, paddling his way down through the Upper Misahualli. We are lucky that so many great rivers are accessible to us. But then you think of the immense possibilities that lay out there...inaccessible...
Barbara and Don tackle the Rio Quijos in the shredder. Barbara spent most the week taking kayaking lessons, but she thought it might do her good to get the adrenaline flowing for a couple days in the shredder.
Ah, yes, tropical boating at it's best. Erica going kayaking in ONLY a capeline top!
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